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Welcome to my blog.

Words and Culture - the new GCSE content and Primary MFL

Words and Culture - the new GCSE content and Primary MFL

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Check out my blog for the Future of Foreign Languages Forum here where I argue that Primary MFL should be a trailer for future language study – cramming in as many snapshots of the best our subject has to offer. You can respond to the government consultation on the new MFL GCSE content proposals before the deadline on 19th May here.

What is Wāndòufěn and what should we call it in English?

What is Wāndòufěn and what should we call it in English?

Using Film in Mandarin Teaching: Collaborative Googledoc

Using Film in Mandarin Teaching: Collaborative Googledoc